● 対象年齢
● 特徴
◎ 自分だけの「はらぺこあおむし」を育てましょう!
◎ わくわくが続く豊富なコンテンツ!
◎ 遊び方
◎ こだわり
・ 「わたしの はらぺこあおむし」は3Dでお届けする対話型キャラクター
・ 育てる力を養い、自然を愛する心を育むコンテンツ
・ 一人でも親子でも幅広く楽しめる知育あそび
・ 対戦や競争のないプレイシステム
・ エリック・カールの色鮮やかな貼り絵を元に、美しく彩られた世界
・ 直感的で小さなお子様でも簡単に操作できるインターフェース
・ 愛らしい効果音と、ここちのよいサウンドトラックの採用
● 豪華7アイテム・7シーン
・ 果樹園の風船: 「はらぺこあおむし」に風船を付けて飛ばしましょう。
・ 絵の具セット: カラフルな絵の具で広いキャンバスにお絵かき。
・ 宝箱: 宝島を掘ると毎日新しい発見が待っています。
・ ごちそうバスケット: 「はらぺこあおむし」の大好物を詰め込みました。
・ お花畑: タネやお花に水やりをしてお庭を育てましょう。
・ メロディー積み木: 積み木をパズルにはめると音を奏でます。
・ おもちゃ箱: 4種類の楽しいおもちゃがはいっています。
※ 「定期的に最新のリリース情報やお得な情報をご確認ください。
ホームページ: http://smarteducation.jp/
※ 不具合等に関するお問い合わせ、ご意見やご感想を、ぜひ下記までお寄せください。
※ 「わたしの はらぺこあおむし」は、スマートエデュケーションとStoryToys Jrとが共同で開発したコンテンツです 。本子供向けのアプリは、未就学のお子様と、全てのエリック・カールのファンの皆さまのために作りました。
iLoungeで2つのBest kids app賞を受賞
Mom's Choiceで金賞および銀賞を受賞
Editor's Choiceのデザイン部門でExcellenceを受賞(Children's technology Review)
Best Kids' App Everを受賞
Digital Book World Publishing Innovation Awardの児童書部門にノミネート
Children's Technology ReviewでEditor's Choiceを受賞
Age ●
Children will enjoy while inflate the creativity from the 2-year-old.
※ you can enjoy together in the parent and child in the baby. It is an application for children.
● Features
◎ Let's grow your own to "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"!
45 years or more, for the first time 3D the best-selling picture book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" character that has been loved by parents and children around the world, was blowing new life into masterpiece.
And care together in a parent and child, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" is sleeping well play Yoku well eat, continues to grow every day, you flapping be the last to beautiful butterfly. But it does not end here. Also new egg is Umiotosa, adventure of the new "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" will begin.
Beautiful, three-dimensional and, colorful world, to stimulate children's curiosity, you will not be bored even if many times explored.
◎ rich content that excitement continues!
Indebted large work also love also that also sleep to play to eat, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". But do not worry. In this deluxe edition, Treasure Island comes out treasure and dig every day, rotating puzzle that plays the music and fitting the building blocks, such as the colorful paint in the drawing toy box packed screen full of canvas and fun toys that can, and beautiful color you stimulate the senses of children in a variety of activities is jammed 7 scene.
◎ How to Play
In was hatched from an egg, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", given by dragging the fruit from the tree, please observe the manner in which eat Morimori. Your "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" is full stomach, when you hear sleepy tired to play, please give gently lay the stump of the bed.
The more play if play in parent and child, new "play" and the scene appeared, you'll be hooked on new discoveries forget the time.
◎ Good
- "My Very Hungry Caterpillar" is an interactive character to deliver in 3D
- Nurture the power, content to nurture a love for nature
- One person even widely enjoyed educational play in parent and child
Theissen and competition with no-play system
- Eric Carle based on colorful paste painting, was decorated beautifully world
- Intuitive interface that can be easily operated even in small children
- And adorable sound effects, adoption of good sound tracks feels comfortable
● luxury 7 Item 7 Scenes
· Orchard of balloons: Let's skip with a balloon in the "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".
- Paint set: Drawing on a wide canvas with colorful paint.
- Treasure Chest: dig the Treasure Island has been waiting for new discoveries every day.
· Feast basket: I packed a great favorite of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".
· Flower garden: Let's grow the to the garden watering the seeds and flowers.
Melody building blocks: You played the sound and fitting the building blocks in the puzzle.
- Toy Box: Contains the four kinds of fun toys.
Was nurtured while playing happily together, you only of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" will be to go getting cute.
※ "Please check regularly for the latest release information and deals.
Homepage: http://smarteducation.jp/
※ Inquiries about trouble etc., opinions and comments, please send us to the following.
(E-mail): support@smarteducation.jp
※ "My Very Hungry Caterpillar" is the content and the Smart Education and StoryToys Jr was developed in collaboration. Application of this child-friendly, and children of pre-school, we made for our fans of all of Eric Carle.
StoryToys Awards of:
He won two Best kids app award at iLounge
It won the gold medal and the silver medal at the Mom's Choice
It won the Excellence in the design department of the Editor's Choice (Children's technology Review)
Nominated as a finalist of FutureBook Digital Innovation Award
It won the Best Kids' App Ever
Nominated for the children's book department of Digital Book World Publishing Innovation Award
It won the Editor's Choice in Children's Technology Review